Get Started with openEuler Community
openEuler community
openEuler is an open source, free Linux distribution. It offers huge improvements in performance and useful tools, such as A-Tune, an AI-based system tuning software, and iSulad, a lightweight container runtime daemon for IoT and cloud infrastructure.
Our community is the core behind the development of openEuler. Until now, 95 SIGs, comprising 8,000 contributors, have helped develop the OS for 400 thousand users. We want to leverage SIGs to drive our innovations. In addition, 11 OS vendors have released commercial editions based on openEuler.
opeEuler website
Now, whether you are interested in openEuler, want to contribute to the OS, or you are already an openEuler user who wants to simply learn more about the system, you should check out the community website. The community website provides useful information and assets for beginner or expert developers.
If you are new to openEuler and want to try it out, simply click Download and choose an ISO. openEuler releases include innovative and Long-term Support (LTS) versions for different application scenarios. Documentation includes installation and other detailed guides covering system usage, management, and software development. For example, the Desktop Environment User Guide can help Linux beginners install a desktop environment and use the system; whereas developers can set up their development environments in openEuler based on the Application Development Guide.
In addition to technical documentation, you can also find useful insights in the blog posts written by our community members. Other information about our news, live streams, meetups, and summits can be found on the Connect pages.
For openEuler users who intend to use the OS for development or production, the Discovery pages are home to practical components and tools that help you build a secure and high-performance environment or product. What's more, all of these original projects are open source. In addition to the aforementioned A-Tune and iSulad, openEuler provides Java developers with BiSheng JDK, a stable, reliable, and easy-to-debug JDK. Likewise, secure application developers may want to check out secGear, a confidential computing development suite that delivers a unified development framework for various hardware devices, while tools like Pkgship and Compliance will help you solve compatibility and compliance issues.
A major concern in the openEuler community is the system security and stability. To see how we handle the security vulnerabilities related to the community version of openEuler, visit the Support pages. Here you can find the security advisories and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (or CVEs), and obtain information about the compatibility of openEuler in different hardware and software environments.
Join us
On your first time to the community, the Community pages will guide you through the participation and contribution process. You can participate in the openEuler community in different ways. Our public meetings, meetups, live streams, and summits are open to everyone, regardless if you are an expert developer or a common user. If you are a developer seeking to engage in community contributions, you may want to find your perfect SIG, which is organized into one or more specific technical topics. The SIG list allows you to find the SIGs you want to join. After joining a SIG, you can contribute in a number of ways: by submitting and addressing issues, contributing and reviewing code, participating in original open source projects - you name it.
If no SIG suits your interest, you can always start a new SIG by visiting the Application page and Roles page. They will help you understand the SIG application process and SIG roles.
Maybe you don't want to write code – that's OK! Our community welcomes all users to help us build the community through non-code contributions, such as function testing, project management, document writing, and translation. Any contribution, big or small, is valued.
Grow with the community
The last step in your contribution journey is a never-ending one - growing together with the community. You will grow as you become more experienced, and gain influence through contributions. Our openEuler certification recognizes those who want to prove their development, technical support, and O&M capabilities.
Working in openEuler's open source community is about trust and sharing. It's a joyful journey, full of accomplishment. Countless innovative possibilities are available every step of the way. We simply insist on our original work to establish the openEuler community as one of the most energetic communities in the world.
So if you believe in collaboration and sharing, then we hope to see you soon in the openEuler community.