Memcached 1.5.12 Porting Guide (openEuler 20.03 LTS SP1)

randy15682021-12-29MemcachedPorting Guide



Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching server, developed by Brad Fitzpatric from Danga Interactive, a subsidiary of LiveJournal. It is used to cache database query results and reduce database access times to improve the speed and scalability of dynamic web applications.

Official Memcached website:

Programming language: C

Brief description: distributed memory object caching system

Environmental Requirements


The following table lists the hardware requirements.

ServerTaiShan 200 server (model 2280)
CPUKunpeng 920 5250 processor
Drive partitionNo requirements

Operating Systems

The following table lists the requirements for the operating system.

openEuler20.03 LTS SP1 AArch64

Check the current OS version.

cat /etc/os-release

For details about installing the openEuler OS, see
Note: You are advised to select the "Server with GUI" installation mode.

Configuring the Compilation Environment

To compile Memcached, you need to prepare the C compiler, GNU, make, automake, libevent, and libevent-devel.

  1. Install the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). If GCC has been installed, skip this step.

    yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel 
  2. Install GNU make, Automake, unzip, and Telnet. If they have been installed, skip this step.

    yum -y install make automake unzip telnet
  3. Install libevent and libevent-devel.

    yum -y install libevent libevent-devel

Obtaining Source Code

If your server can access the network, run the "wget" command to download the source code. Otherwise, visit to download the source code and copy it to the /home directory on the server.

Compiling and Installing Memcached

The following uses the source code downloaded to the local PC and then uploaded to the server as an example for describing compilation and installation operations.

  1. Decompress the source package.

    cd /home
  2. Go to the memcached-1.5.12 directory.

    cd memcached-1.5.12
  3. Configure Memcached.

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/memcached

    You can specify the Memcached installation directory, for example, /opt/memcached, in this step.

  4. Perform compilation.

    make -j60

    -j60 leverages the multi-core CPUs to speed up compilation.

  5. Perform installation.

    make install
  6. Switch to the Memcached installation directory /opt/memcached. If the generated bin directory contains the Memcached executable file, installation is successful.

  7. Set environment variables.

    a. Add the following command to the /etc/profile file:

    export PATH=/opt/memcached/bin/:$PATH

    b. Make the environment variable effective.

    source /etc/profile

Running and Verifying Memcached

  • Start Memcached.

    memcached -t 24 -p 11211 -u root -m 49152 -c 10240

    The following table describes the parameters in the startup command.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
-tThread count4
-pTCP listening port11211
-uUser who starts the processThe default user cannot be root.
-mMemory size (in MB) allocated to Memcached64M
-cMaximum number of concurrent connections1024
-dStarts a daemon in the background.-
  • Start another shell window to connect to Memcached.

    telnet 11211
  • After creating a connection, run the stats command to obtain the statistics of the Memcached server.


The following table lists the common stats commands.

statsDisplays the overall status of Memcached, including the startup time, amount of data stored, cache hit ratio, and number of current connections.
stats itemsOutputs the item information of each slab.
stats slabsOutputs more details about slabs.
stats sizesDisplays the size and number of all items.
stats cachedumpOutputs certain pieces of data in a slab. If the input is 0, all data in the slab is output.
stats detailSets (on/off) or displays (dump) detailed operation records, such as the get/set operation.
flush_allInvalidates all items in the memory. This operation does not suspend the server because no free memory is released and the existing items are marked as invalid.

Note: To exit the Telnet connection, run the quit command.


In addition to connecting to the Memcached service using Telnet to obtain data, the source code provides some tool scripts, such as memcached-tool, in the scripts directory of the source code.

For details about how to use the memcached-tool, see the following table.

./memcached-tool localhost displayDisplays slabs information.
./memcached-tool displayDisplays slabs information.
./memcached-tool statsDisplays memcached statistics.
./memcached-tool settingsDisplays memcached settings.
./memcached-tool sizesDisplays the size and number of all items.
./memcached-tool dump [limit]Outputs keys and values from the cache.

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