How to Install and Start StratoVirt

Xinle GuoZhigang Wang2020-12-02StratoVirtVirt


As a virtualization platform, StratoVirt uses a unified architecture to support three scenarios: virtual machines (VMs), containers, and serverless computing. StratoVirt has competitive advantages in virtualization security and lightweight overhead. This article describes how to use StratoVirt to run a virtual machine and how to run a secure container after the container connects to the iSulad container engine.

Software and Hardware Requirements

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • Processor architecture: Only AArch64 and x86_64 processor architectures are supported. AArch64 requires ARMv8 or later and supports virtualization extension. x86_64 supports VT-x.
  • 2-core CPU
  • 4 GiB memory
  • 16 GiB available disk space


Operating system: openEuler 20.09 or later

Installing StratoVirt

You can install StratoVirt in either of the following ways:

If you only want to use StratoVirt to run a VM, you are advised to install the RPM package with Yum. You only need to install openEuler 20.09 or later on a platform that meets the minimum hardware requirements and configure the openEuler Yum repository. Then, you can run the yum command to install the package.

If you want to learn more about StratoVirt. The way to compile and install is more suitable for you. As an open source project, our StratoVirt source code is stored on the Gitee platform. You can download the source code, understand its architecture, and even modify the code.

Installing the RPM Package with Yum

Step 1: Run the yum command to install the tool.

[root@openeuler \~]# yum install -y stratovirt

Note: Before the installation, ensure that the openEuler Yum repository has been configured.

Compiling and Installing StratoVirt

Step 1: Prepare the environment. Ensure that the Rust language environment and Cargo software have been installed successfully.

For details about how to install Rust, visit

Step 2: Compile the software.

[root@openeuler \~]# git clone
[root@openeuler \~]# cd stratovirt
[root@openeuler \~]# cargo build --release

The generated binary file is stored in the target/release/stratovirt directory.

Running VMs on StratoVirt

Step 1: Prepare devices and tools.

[root@openeuler \~]# modprobe vhost\_vsock
[root@openeuler \~]# yum install nmap

Step 2: Create a PE kernel image.

[root@openeuler \~]# yum install git; yum install gcc; yum install make; yum install bison; yum install flex
[root@openeuler \~]# cd /home; git clone
[root@openeuler \~]# cd kernel; git checkout kernel-4.19
[root@openeuler \~]# cd /home; git clone
[root@openeuler \~]# cp stratovirt/docs/kernel\_config/config\_openeuler\_4.19\_aarch64 kernel/.config
[root@openeuler \~]# cd kernel; make –j vmlinux; objcopy -O binary vmlinux vmlinux.bin

/home/kernel/vmlinux.bin is the created kernel image.

Note: If the x86_64 processor architecture is used, copy stratovirt/docs/kernel_config/config_openeuler_4.19_x86_64 to the kernel directory and rename it .config.

Step 3: Create a rootfs image in EXT4 format.

[root@openeuler \~]# cd /home
[root@openeuler \~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=./rootfs bs=1G count=5
[root@openeuler \~]# mkfs.ext4 ./rootfs
[root@openeuler \~]# mkdir /mnt/rootfs; mount /home/rootfs /mnt/rootfs
[root@openeuler \~]# cd /mnt/rootfs
[root@openeuler \~]# wget
[root@openeuler \~]# tar -zxvf alpine-minirootfs-3.12.0-aarch64.tar.gz; rm alpine-minirootfs-3.12.0-aarch64.tar.gz
[root@openeuler \~]# rm sbin/init; touch sbin/init && cat \> sbin/init \<\<EOF
# ! /bin/sh
mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
ip link set up dev lo
exec /sbin/getty -n -l /bin/sh 115200 /dev/ttyS0
poweroff -f
[root@openeuler \~]# chmod +x sbin/init
[root@openeuler \~]# cd /home; umount /mnt/rootfs

/home/rootfs is the created rootfs image.

Note: To obtain the latest alpine-mini rootfs of the x86_64 processor architecture, run the following commands:

[root@openeuler \~]# wget\_64/alpine-minirootfs-3.12.0-x86\_64.tar.gz
[root@openeuler \~]# tar -zxvf alpine-minirootfs-3.12.0-x86\_64.tar.gz
[root@openeuler \~]# rm alpine-minirootfs-3.12.0-x86\_64.tar.gz

Step 4: Run the stratovirt command to run the VM.

[root@openeuler \~]# rm /tmp/stratovirt.socket
[root@openeuler \~]# stratovirt -kernel /home/kernel/vmlinux.bin -append console=ttyS0 root=/dev/vda rw reboot=k panic=1 -drive file=/home/rootfs,id=rootfs -api-channel unix:/tmp/stratovirt.socket -serial stdio

After the VM is started, the serial port logs of the kernel startup is displayed on the terminal, indicating that the VM is started successfully. The following is part of the VM startup logs:

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0000000000 [0x481fd010]
[    0.000000] Linux version 4.19.152+ (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version (GCC)) #1 SMP Fri Oct 23 14:56:45 CST 2020
[    0.000000] Machine model: linux,dummy-virt
[    0.000000] earlycon: uart0 at MMIO 0x0000000040009000 (options '')
[    0.000000] bootconsole [uart0] enabled
[    0.113561] Freeing unused kernel memory: 576K
[    0.113957] Run /sbin/init as init process
/ \#

Note: For compilation and installation, use the binary file stratovirt in the corresponding path to run the VM.

Interconnecting with iSulad to Run Secure Containers

iSulad is a container engine that is light, flexible, smart, and fast. You can click here to learn more. What is a secure container? To put it simply, a secure container is a lightweight, executable software package that has been isolated from other software or processes running on the same virtual or physical host.

The following figure shows the architecture of a secure container.

The containers shown in the preceding figure run on independent VMs. StratoVirt provides secure isolation at the virtualization layer. We will use the iSulad container engine, kata containers runtime, and StratoVirt virtualization platform to run a secure container. If you want to run secure containers on other openEuler versions or Linux platforms, you can find the corresponding method at bilibili.

Making Preparations

Step 1: Prepare devices and tools.

[root@openeuler \~]# modprobe vhost\_vsock
[root@openeuler \~]# yum install nmap

Step 2: Install iSulad and kata-containers.

[root@openeuler \~]# yum install iSulad; yum install kata-containers

Step 3: Add iSulad runtime.

[root@openeuler \~]# vi /etc/isulad/daemon.json     // Add the following content to the runtimes node:
"kata-runtime": {
	"path": "/usr/bin/kata-runtime"

Step 4: Configure the storage.

[root@openeuler \~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/isula\_images bs=1G count=10
[root@openeuler \~]# losetup /dev/loop1 /home/isula\_images
[root@openeuler \~]# pvcreate /dev/loop1
[root@openeuler \~]# vgcreate isulaVG0 /dev/loop1
[root@openeuler \~]# lvcreate --wipesignatures y -n thinpool isulaVG0 -l 95%VG
[root@openeuler \~]# lvcreate --wipesignatures y -n thinpoolmeta isulaVG0 -l 1%VG
[root@openeuler \~]# lvconvert -y --zero n -c 512K --thinpool isulaVG0/thinpool --poolmetadata isulaVG0/thinpoolmeta
[root@openeuler \~]# vi /etc/lvm/profile/isulaVG0-thinpool.profile  // Add the following content:
activation {
[root@openeuler \~]# vi /etc/isulad/daemon.json   // Change the values of storage-driver and storage-opts to the following:
"storage-driver": "devicemapper",
"storage-opts": [

Step 5: Restart iSulad.

[root@openeuler \~]# systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl restart isulad

Run the isula info command. If the command output contains the following information, the isula storage driver has been configured successfully.

Storage Driver: devicemapper

Configuring kata-containers

Step 1: Create a kernel image for kata-containers.

[root@openeuler ~]# cd /home
[root@openeuler ~]# git clone
[root@openeuler ~]# cp packaging/kernel/configs/arm64_kata_kvm_4.19.x kernel/.config
[root@openeuler ~]# cd kernel; make –j vmlinux; objcopy -O binary vmlinux vmlinux.bin
[root@openeuler ~]# cp vmlinux.bin vmlinux_kata

Step 2: Modify the kata configuration.

[root@openeuler \~]# vi /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml // Modify the following content:
path = "/home/"
kernel = "/home/kernel/vmlinux\_kata "
initrd = "/var/lib/kata/kata-containers-initrd.img"
block\_device\_driver = "virtio-mmio"
use\_vsock = true
enable\_netmon = false
sandbox\_cgroup\_with\_emulator = false

Running a Secure Container

Step 1: Create a running script.

[root@openeuler \~]# cat \> /home/ \<\<EOF

# !/bin/bash

export STRATOVIRT\_LOG\_LEVEL=info  # set log level which includes trace, debug, info, warn and error.
/usr/bin/stratovirt $@
[root@openeuler \~]# chmod +x /home/

Step 2: Run the container.

[root@openeuler \~]# isula run -tid --runtime=kata-runtime --net=none --name test busybox:latest sh

Run the isula ps command to check whether the secure container test is running properly. Then run the following command to access the container:

[root@openeuler \~]# isula exec –ti test sh

So far, the secure container runs successfully. You can operate the secure container in the same way as operating a regular container.

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